
Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Momma Say Fool's Ball For the Debbo....

I jokingly use that phrase from the movie "Waterboy" when I'm talking football with my husband and friends  ha ha.  My husband knows that I am only kidding everytime I say that and also another movie line from "Remember the Titans" when the head coach's daughter says to the other coach's daughter "Cheryl, I don't care?" anytime he's talking football gibberish to me.  All in all I do enjoy the sport even though I may not understand it fully.

My husband has been involved with football all year whether it was coaching or playing football.  For the past year he has been coaching youth football for Westview Youth and for a semi-pro team called the "Portland Monarchs."  In between that he also played for a winter flag football team called "Back That Pass Up" and now for the City of Hillsboro flag football league "Sudden Rush".  It's year round football in this house and I'm just happy my husband has a passion for the sport and does a good job playing and coaching.  Here's a picture of his current team Sudden Rush.

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