
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kim Chee Fried Rice

It's been a busy week full of get togethers and I haven't been able to start on September's menu plan yet.  We hosted the UH vs. USC football game there was a lot of FOOD.  There was enough for us to eat at leftovers the next day and I also had a rotisserie chicken that I got from Costco still in the fridge since we never made it to a friend's get together.  During this time I had thought I had defrosted some pork steaks and was going to cook it tonight before it spoiled, but I mistook the tray of meat in the fridge for ours when it actually was my BIL's.  So with no meat defrosted we had no dinner tonight until I realized that I had some kim chee that I've been hoarding to make Kim Chee Fried Rice. 

For some reason I've been craving it and I've actually never ate it before.  So tonight was the perfect time to make it and something to whip up easily.  After it was all made, this turned out super yummy and I don't know I've never made this before either.  I just used Spam, onions, garlic, eggs, and cut up kim chee, I think I'll add different kinds of meats now that I've developed a craving for lup cheong now.  Here's how it turned out and the recipe to boot too.

1 can Spam, cubed
2 tbsp. garlic, minced
1/2 onion, diced
1 jar kim chee, chopped up (reserve liquid)
8 eggs, scrambled
4 cup rice, cooked

Fry Spam, garlic, and onions in oil till Spam is lightly brown and onions are tender.  Add eggs and scramble into mixture (add more oil if pan isn't coated enough).  Add kim chee and mix.  Add rice and kim chee liquid and thoroughly mix. 


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