
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016!!

Another year has gone by and I always tell myself to keep this blog more active but I don't.  I laugh that the one and only blog post of 2015 was a recipe for kim chee.  

Some good has come out of my dormant blog though. A foodie page on Facebook called Ono Kine Recipes has been sharing a whole bunch of recipes I've posted in past. Mostly it has been the local Hawaiian recipes that have gained exposure on Facebook via Ono Kine Recipes. When a few of my friends contacted me of my blogged recipes being shared, I got excited and started "fan-girling" 😆😊. This was a Facebook page that I was already saving and sharing posts from and now here's my very own blog recipes being shared. It's pretty cool I must say 😉👍🏼. 

On another note regarding everything else going on in my "semi chaotic life". Things have been going well and super busy. Hubby is ever so busy in all things football, big kid is in the second grade and just started taking up Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, little kid is turning 4 in two weeks and continuing on with speech therapy school, and the fur child is getting old with congestive heart failure and taking a bunch of meds to help prolong his time with us. 

That right there is a HUGE amount of info to delve into since there's been basically LOTS of life info missing from the last time I was actively blogging. So to start off with what I hope is a more active blog this year is my first recipe of 2016 to share in another post which I will post immediately after this post...I promise 😝.  

So here's to a New Year to everyone! We've got 366 days to make the best of it...well 365 now that it's past midnight as of right now for me 😆. Stay tuned for the first recipe 😃. 

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