
Monday, August 6, 2012

Made by Me Monday: Sponge Water Toy

Today marks the first installment of "Made by Me Monday", it will be posts about things that I have made craft wise, food wise, and such. Hopefully this will be a weekly thing so that kind of gives me the incentive to try out one easy craft project a week.

So the first easy craft project that I'm going to share are the cheap and easy sponge water toys. I found it on Pinterest via Makeandtakes website. This easy craft project ONLY needed THREE materials that you can easily find at your local dollar store. I already had two of the three items at home and I bought a 10-pack of sponges from the local dollar store. I have yet to take pictures of the lil booger in action with the sponge toys. This past weekend would have been perfect but it was too hot for him to play in the backyard since we don't have good shading. I'll have to update this post when I do have pics of that. In any case here's the how to.


Zip ties

-Cut sponges lengthwise into threes.
-Gather sponge pieces and wrap zip tie around them in the middle
-Pull on zip tie to tighten.
-Snip off excess portion of zip tie


  1. Cooooool!!! I wanted to make those all summer but kept forgetting. darn my short memory!! lol.

  2. I hope that these type of sponges hold up for a while. The dollar store had the regular sponges but they were small. I'll probably try this out with the bigger kind if I catch them in sale.
