
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ok, I'm Totally Sucking....

In the blog department that is! What did you think I meant?  Haha!

So I haven't blogged in a month and didn't do anything I said I was going to try to do more.  There goes that blogging resolution hmph.  However, I did actually have my New Year's resolutions and they were in my head, I just never really shared them. So here they are:

  1. Start working out more...again - CHECK and so far so good!
  2. Blog MORE! - So far failing but there's still 11 more months to improve on that right?
  3. Complete unfinished sewing projects before the lil booger outgrows them.
  4. One BIG goal is to start my own Etsy store.  I just have to figure out what craft I want to focus on since I like to dabble in anything and everything.
That's it!  Nothing too outlandish and unattainable.  I think I can accomplish them all so we'll see ;-)

As for the meal planning and recipe stuff...well I'm going to have to put off the meal planning.  My husband and I have enrolled into this fitness challenge program at our local gym/rec center to motivate ourselves to lose weight and increase our exercise activity.  Which means I've changed our way of eating to more healthier choices...well at least for me since I cook separately for myself and hubby and lil booger.  However, I will continue to share any new or old recipes that I have ^_^.  Which BTW I have to still blog some recipes I'm way behind in sharing.

Since my hubby and I got new iPhones as Christmas gifts to ourselves, I should be able to blog a little more even if it's something simple.  On another note, we're going home to Hawaii in a few days so that should give me more the incentive to blog a little more on our activities and of course the FOOD! Haha!

So be on the lookout and see if I stay true on my New Year's resolutions ;o).

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