
Saturday, November 6, 2010

September 2010 Meal #22: Pinakbet

I guess I've been getting in touch with my inner Filipino self and been making a lot of Filipino dishes recently.  For Meal #22 I decided to make Pinakbet for dinner since this as well I haven't made in a while either.  I think the reason why I don't make it often is because I have to trek to the Asian/Filipino grocer that isn't close to my home.  But since I had to go to that part of town I figure I make this for dinner.  My toddler actually liked eating it and didn't really notice of all the veggies he was eating.  It doesn't quite taste the same as home cooked pinakbet from back home in Hawaii but it was close enough.  Oh one funny thing happened while I was preparing this, the tomatoes that I thought I had had rotted and I really didn't want to run to the store for fresh tomatoes.  So I searched my pantry and actually found a can of diced tomatoes and it worked just as fine as fresh ones.  No taste difference at all :o).  So here's the recipe and picture to share.

2 lbs. pork chuck steak, chopped
2 tbsp. garlic, minced
1/2 onion, sliced
1 bunch long beans, ends cut off and thrown away, break bean into about 3-4 inch pieces
2 medium sized Japanese eggplant, sliced into bite sized pieces
2 cups okra, cut in halves
2 medium sized tomatoes, sliced
2-4 tbsp. patis (fish sauce) depending on taste
1/2 cup dried shrimp
2 cups chicharon, broken into pieces
salt and pepper

Brown pork in oil with garlic.  Add onions and cook til tender.  Add about 1 1/2 cup water bring to boil.  Add patis and all veggies. Mix and let simmer.  Add dried shrimp and chicharon  and mix.  Add more patis and/or water to taste if needed.  Season with some salt and pepper.  Cook til veggies are tender.

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