
Thursday, October 14, 2010

September 2010 Meal #6: Baby Back Ribs

I didn't prepare Meal #6: Baby Back Ribs, my husband did.  In the early part of summer we went to our local Saturday farmer's market at the Hillsboro Saturday Market and found a vendor that sold BBQ sauce.  This vendor was called Bette Jo's and they had several of their sauces out for sample.  The one in particular that we enjoyed was the Sweet Heat BBQ Sauce and that just enough heat for me to tolerate since I'm a wimp in hot spices.  It was $6.00 for a 12 fl. oz. bottle and we were willing to try it out for the upcoming summer bbq season. 

So that had to be early or mid May I am assuming when we purchased the BBQ sauce.  Fast forward to the beginning of September when we finally ended up using that bottle of sauce and slathering it on a rack of pork ribs.  I really don't know what took so long for us to bust open that bottle but when we finally did that rack of ribs was sure yummy.

My husband doesn't do anything special  to prepare pork ribs.  He just simply seasons the rack and bakes it in the oven and the sauce is slathered all over it and adds more if needed.  Unfortunately I don't have a picture to prove how yummy this turned out, but just imagine a nice rack of yummy bbq sauced pork goodness ;p.  Also, I won't provide a recipe for this either since it was basically sauce slathered over meat and baked at 400 degrees for one hour.

However, please do check them out at the farmer's market and on their site!


  1. Ooh, I loove me some baby back ribs!!! -- Mia

  2. i do too! especially when i don't have to prepare them ;p
