
Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Sew Story...

I have to admit that I'm a novice seamstress and I am learning as I go through trial and error.  The only formal training that I had for sewing was in my 8th grade sewing elective class.  I remember I sewed a pillow (that's actually still at my parents house), a bean bag rabbit that I fondly remember my neighbor James named "Lucille", and a windsock.  I haven't sewn anything since then and really had no desire to until about two years ago.

My son was born and I found it astonishing how much burp cloths I went through wiping up spit ups from that lil person.  I ran out of burp cloths and was washing a load of his clothes like every other day in order to get a clean burp cloth.  Then I had an idea that I could either sew/make my own burp cloths or go buy some new ones that were already pricey to begin with.  So my hubby gave me permission to buy my first sewing machine ever and I haven't looked back since. 

I bought a Singer 4166 when Costco had a coupon for it and I didn't even research it. 

I just bought it because of the price, little did I know this particular machine was actually little advanced for the novice me.  That didn't matter to me since I really LOVE my machine after making a few things since the day I bought it.  Firing up the machine the very first time was like riding a bike (yeah to those who know me, I don't know how to ride a bike. we'll save that story for another time.) and my first burp cloth was born. 

I made my son's burp cloths out of decorative fleece and towel material with hopes of having it absorb the spit up action my son does.  It was so easy, just a few straight lines, and sewing up the closure.  I made a whole bunch for him and my nephew who is five months younger than my son. 

From my first sewing project I have created more things in the last two years and working my way up to more advanced creations.  As I mentioned I am learning through trial and error, I have borrowed books from the library to help refresh my memory of basic sewing techniques, and the INTERNET is wonderful for finding tutorials especially YOUTUBE.  I've sewn a few new things lately and I'll post about them along with their pictures if there are any. 

So that's my sew story and I'm sticking to it.

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