
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oven Baked Kalua Pork

I totally had forgotten that my husband and I made some party food over two weeks ago.  I took the pictures and everything but forgot to make some postings about them.  We were in charge of making three dishes and this one in particular was Oven Baked Kalua Pork.

Traditionally the Hawaiian Kalua Pork is a whole pig cooked in an imu or underground oven.  Since I'm not about to dig up a big hole in my backyard to make kalua pork, the hole in my wall where my oven resides will do.

Funny story about the first time my husband made kalua pork in the oven years ago when we first moved to Oregon.  I had the bright idea of copying down recipes from local Hawaii cookbooks before I moved and one of the recipes was kalua pork.  So while I was at work my husband used that recipe I copied and let's just say it was the WORSE kalua pig ever!  I was SO salty that putting on ketchup (hubby thought that would cancel the saltiness ???) didn't work nor did rinsing it under water.  I asked him how much hawaiian salt did you use and he said 1/2 cup and that's what the recipe said!  Oops! That was MY fault, a little typo there on my part.  Needless to say that recipe was thrown into the trash along with that batch of kalua pork LOL. 

So after that little fiasco my husband created his own recipe and I give him total credit since he makes the ONO'EST oven baked kalua pork.  Heres' the recipe below.

5 lbs. pork butt or boneless pork shoulder (if you find pork shoulder w/bone in that's fine)
Liquid smoke
Hawaiian salt

Slice pork into about 1 1/2 inch slices (when done baking it'll make for easier shredding) and arrange into at 13x9x2-inch baking pan.  Sprinkle about 1 1/2 tbsp Hawaiian salt.  Drizzle some shoyu over pork.  Drizzle some liquid smoke over pork.  Add 1/4 cup water.  Bake at 400 degrees for 2 hours.  Check for doneness, if easily shreds with fork then it's all done.  Let cool and shred all pork pieces.

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