
Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 2010 Meal #9: Mochiko Chicken

Meal #9 is one of my favorites that I make time to time which is Mochiko Chicken.  It is chicken coated in mochiko flour (sweet rice flour) that helps give this dish a slightly sweet flavor.  There are different variations on how to prepare this dish ranging on the different measurement amounts or wrapping a strip of nori (dried seaweed) around each cut up piece of chicken.

The recipe I used was from a cookbook I bought a few years ago while visiting home in Hawaii.  It is called "Local Style Cooking with a Mainland Flair" that Moanalua High School created for their 2006 Project Graduation fundraising.  I really like this cookbook, but funny that I've only used a few of the recipes.  Think I'll be on a mission to try everything in there now :o).

5 lbs. chicken thighs with skin (I always use the frozen boneless/skinless & cut up into bite size pieces)
1/2 cup mochiko flour (after marinading i found it to be a little thin so I added 1/4 cup more flour)
1/2 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar (sugar substitute OK for diabetes)
1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp. shoyu
1/4 cup green onions, chopped
4 eggs, beaten
2 tbsp. crushed garlic
2 tbsp. sesame seeds

Combine all ingredients except chicken into a large bowl and thoroughly blend.  Add chicken, coating well. Refrigerate overnight.  Fry in oil on low heat until cooked through. 


  1. mmmm...adri - i can't wait to try all of these. i am gonna pass your site on to my sister too cause she wants to cook different things!

  2. cool thanks! let her know i'm willing to take on any recipe ideas she has. i'm up to trying out new recipes ;o)

  3. i'm prepping this right now...we'll see how it turns out.
